How to get a beige marker at Roblox Find The Marcers

Although finding markers may seem just another experience in the style of hunting for garbage, in fact it offers a rather complex map with more than a few complex secrets that need to be found. With these frightening heights update Find the Markers added another 11 markers for the detection by players, including the one that we will consider in this brief guide, beige marker .

Search for a beige marker in Find the Markers

After you booted in Find the Markers, stay in the Renaissance zone and look for a specific tree depicted below. If you are lost, look for the gallery door or entering the tower.

Enter this tree to teleport to the Khaki color room. If you have not yet taken it, Khaki's color marker can be obtained here.

Inside this room there is a secret wall through which players can pass to access a hidden stairs-go through this wall and climb the stairs to get to the upper floor.

On this top floor there is a mysterious Khaki color button-press it and return to the first floor.

When you press the mysterious button, the marker on the ground floor will change, turning from a Khaki color marker into a beige marker! To get this marker and add it to your MarkerDex, just go up to it and touch it.

After that, you should get a pop-up window below.

Looking for more content Find the Markers? Check out our recent guides about how to get a Noob marker in Roblox. Find markers or how to get a Forbidden marker in Roblox. Find markers here in games for games for professionals!
