State of Play: Show stream here

Sony has prepared a new state of play stream for today's Wednesday: the webshow goes at 11pm live , you can follow it in the following stream. Hand-proof details of the content of the new issue, the publisher still contains the publisher, but shares with "exciting updates" for games on PS5 and PS4 to have planned. "The show takes about 20 minutes and focuses mainly on the great games of some of our popular Japanese publishers, but we also have updates from other developers from around the world," writes Sony in the announcement to the New State of Play Stream Tonight.

State of Play in stream: new games for PS5 and PS4

Hard is: New information about PlayStation VR2 does not provide the stream to State of Play . Sony had recently introduced the final design of the upcoming PS5 VR headset. So what games are today in the limelight, only to speculate. But above all, Japanese games are to be demonstrated, suggesting that, among others, Final Fantasy 16 and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin could receive a stage.

The same applies to new Capcom projects, which announced recently Next-Gen optimizations for three Resident Evil games. Also conceivable would be an announcement associated with "Project Spartacus", which is expected as a competitor to the Xbox Game Pass of Microsoft. The new subscription option has been circulating through the rumors in recent weeks. From 23 o'clock we know more when the stream starts to the state of play.

State of Play Live Stream | PlayStation (February 25)

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