CSGO: ESL presents GGFORALL, A circuit for professional players

ESL announced a series of circuits focused on the development of the competitive scene of professional players of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Under the name of GOODALL, seeks to fight with one of the latent problems in the ESPORTS: discrimination and toxicity to women or other marginalized genres.

With GOODALL, There will be a competitive circuit with $500,000 USD in prizes distributed in cups, regional leagues and a CS: GO event in Spain. In addition, it was discussed initiatives that seek to attack the problem of discrimination, as well as to promote mental well-being and sustainability in the ESPORTS environment. All with Intel's help and more partners that will be announced in the future.

The ESL competitive system comprises 24 CASH CUPS organized by SEA. There will be two each month, distributing $4,000 USD equitably in Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America and South America. The first edition will take place in January.

About the event of Drawback Valencia, ESL aims to organize more than this type. These are CS: Go competencies oblivious to regional leagues, where eight teams will play for a $100,000 USD awards bag. The spaces will be distributed through direct invitations and qualifying throughout the four competitive regions. Basically, it is ESL Challengers circuits focused for the female competitive scene.

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Finally, let's talk about the regional leagues of GOODALL. There will be one in North America and one in Europe, each with eight participants competing for $150,000 USD in each season. The best three groups will go to the end of Dream hack Dallas and Dream hack Winter, accompanied by teams from South America and Asia-Pacific. These will classify through CS: GO open circuits that have not yet been confirmed.

ESL will open a Player Council, seeking to be constant feedback between participants and event organizers. One of the first discussions is Include the winners of the circuit at the ESL Pro Tour de CS: Go. In parallel, the Twitter account confirmed that there are talks about the requirements to enter. The maximum possible inclusion is sought, understanding that there are marginalized genres that can also benefit from a dedicated competition. There will be more details in January.

For more information about the circuit, as well as the talent development program, we recommend visiting the GGFORALALL site (in English).
